Recognizing the Challenges of Multiple-Duty Caregivers November is National Caregiving Month. We respectfully take time to honor our professional caregivers. We also recognize our equally important unpaid caregivers. Especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we pay tribute to these frontline workers. But what about those people who are double—or even triple—duty caregivers? Read more
Coping with an Older Loved One’s Sleep Issues While chronic health conditions and medication interactions may also affect the sleep patterns of older adults, living under the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic has further added to these challenges. Activities and finances have been disrupted, isolation has made people feel depressed, many are less physically and mentally active, fears around health and contact with others dominate public thinking and uncertainty has filled every aspect of daily living. Read more
4 Memory Boosting Brain Exercises for Older Adults Most of us know that physical exercise is important to keep the body healthy and strong, but what we may not know is that our brains also benefit from exercise. Keeping our brains active and alert can often be essential to our wellbeing as we transition into older adulthood. Read more