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An older adult holding hands with his caregiver.

Navigating the Path: A Guide for New Dementia Caregivers

Becoming a caregiver for a loved one with dementia is a profound and, at times, overwhelming journey. It's a role that comes with many responsibilities and challenges, and requires careful planning. If you've recently become a dementia caregiver, here's what you can expect and some recommendations to help you along the way.

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By Julie Hayes | 01/16/2024

An older adult undergoing a glaucoma test.

Understanding Glaucoma: A Guide for Caregivers of Older Adults

Ensuring the well-being of older adults involves comprehensive care, and one aspect often overlooked is eye health. Glaucoma, a progressive eye disorder leading to optic nerve damage and potential blindness, is a significant concern, especially among older adults. As a caregiver, it's crucial to integrate glaucoma testing into the care plan, given its prevalence and potential severity.

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An older adult surrounded by multiple generations of her family.

Decoding Dementia’s Genetic Connections

Dementia affects millions of individuals globally. While age, not genetics, is the primary risk factor, there's growing evidence that genetics can indeed play a role in determining an individual's susceptibility to certain types of dementia.

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By Julie Hayes | 12/15/2023

An older man undergoing physical therapy following a stroke

Navigating Strokes, from Recognition to Recovery

The brain, despite weighing a mere three pounds, serves as the body's mastermind, orchestrating complex functions from speech to movement. But as hardworking as it is, the brain is vulnerable to internal injuries known as strokes or "brain attacks," placing both it and its owner at risk. Strokes, the third leading cause of death in the US, can occur at any age but are more prevalent among older individuals.

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Every Time I Hear That Song: The Impact of Music Intervention on Persons Living with Dementia

This webinar discusses the benefits of using music as a tool to engage persons with dementia. Music, which can elicit memories and positive feelings in those with dementia, has the potential to decrease anxiety and the occurrence of agitated behaviors. In recent years, a variety of individualized music interventions have been developed that capitalize on the use of music as a promising practice. The use of familiar music can be a powerful way to tap into an individual’s long-term memory, increase social interaction, produce positive mood, and promote feelings of belonging. Silvia Orsulic-Jeras of Benjamin Rose and Gregg Gorzelle of Hopeful Aging, LLC discuss the Making Connections through Music intervention, a program consisting of six individually themed sessions containing songs and corresponding discussion points that have been carefully selected with the assistance of a board-certified music therapist. Materials, such as handheld percussion instruments, photos and other props, are used to elicit engagement with the music and increase socialization among group members.


By Silvia Orsulic-Jeras, Gregg Gorzelle | 12/12/2023