Engaging Activities for People with Dementia: Boosting Wellbeing and Connection Dementia remains a highly stigmatized disease, often leading to misunderstandings about the capabilities and needs of older adults affected by it. Caregivers may unintentionally overlook the importance of meaningful hobbies, activities, and pastimes for individuals with dementia due to their perceived disconnection from the world around them. However, it is crucial to recognize that, despite the changes brought by dementia, older adults still require engagement regardless of the stage of the disease. Read more
Useful Items to Have in the Home When Caring for a Loved One with Dementia “Dementia products” are intended to make life easier for a person with dementia and their loved ones. Some of these products can indeed be helpful. However, often they go unused or hold interest only briefly. Before you jump in and try or buy something, do a little advance thinking about what your loved one's needs are, and what useful items you may already have in your home. Read more