Meet Our Client: Ivory Williams

As he’s gotten older, Ivory Williams of Bedford Heights has noticed that his fellow older adults are often reluctant to ask for help. He’s not sure why, but he has some advice to share.

“Asking for help is not a weakness, it’s a strength,” says Williams. “It allows you to tap into the knowledge, resources and skills that are out there.”

Along with sharing that advice, Mr. Williams puts it into action. When a representative from Benjamin Rose came to his senior apartment complex to share information about the programs and services they offer, he was intrigued.

“I had never heard of Benjamin Rose before, but the information she shared was fantastic. I learned that Benjamin Rose is a proactive organization that helps you as you age,” Williams says.

He was particularly interested in a financial education program that includes counseling and incentives to save money.

Mr. Williams attended four senior financial education workshops and will participate in a total of six financial counseling sessions that make up our Learn and Earn Account Program (LEAP). The program also includes a free credit report and a partnership between Benjamin Rose and US Bank that provides a $500 match if the participants make ten monthly deposits of $50.

“They don’t just tell you to save money. They counsel you and taking your finances into account, teach you how to save,” says Williams. “Many senior citizens rely on Social Security or pensions. We no longer have that job we used to go to. Our funds are tight, so we need to be structured as to how we use them. Throughout the program, you get support so it doesn’t feel like you are doing it by yourself.”

Because he is so pleased with the results he’s achieved from participating in the financial education program, Mr. Williams has already signed up for the 8-week Connecting Our Seniors to Technology (COST) computer class. 

“I am computer literate, but learning is a life-long process. You can’t stop learning just because you retire. With technology advancing so rapidly today, these classes will help me stay on top of things. I’m very grateful to Benjamin Rose for bringing these programs to seniors,” he says.

Learn More About Financial Wellness

At Benjamin Rose, we offer an array of services to help adults in all stage of life achieve and maintain financial wellness, from financial counseling to benefits assessments. Discover how we can help you work towards a better future today!

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