Meet Our Client: Randy Stancik

Randy Stancik of Parma has long had plans in place for his health and finances in his retirement years, but knows that in our ever-changing world, it’s important to review those plans periodically.

A member of the board of directors for a senior center in his community, 74 year-old Randy saw a Benjamin Rose estate planning session on the schedule for late 2022 and immediately signed up. 

“That was my first experience with programs and services offered by Benjamin Rose, and it was very worthwhile,” says Randy.  “While I didn’t need to make any changes to my will as a result, it gave me peace of mind knowing that everything was A-okay. It was also a way to learn what questions to ask when it comes to wills and other legal matters.”

At the end of the session, the Benjamin Rose empowerment coach shared information on other offerings, including computer classes and financial counseling. Randy followed up and enrolled in both. He also received some free legal information from Pro-Seniors in Cincinnati, a partner of Benjamin Rose.

“I have some computer experience, but wanted to learn more,” says Randy. “When I learned that upon successfully completing the 8-week class, I’d be able to keep the refurbished laptop used during class, I was 100% in.” Randy uses his computer for research, email, job applications, Zoom meetings and volunteer work at area animal shelters and the local food bank.

With the aim of saving more money, Randy participated in four senior financial education workshops and six financial coaching sessions within Benjamin Rose’s Learn and Earn Account program (LEAP). This program provides a complimentary credit report, offering insights on how to interpret and leverage the report. In collaboration with US Bank, the program presents a $500 match incentive for participants achieving ten monthly deposits of $50. Additionally, it contributes towards covering portions of monthly internet and cable bills. 

And, as Randy enthusiastically puts it, “Who can’t use an extra $500?!” According to Randy, Benjamin Rose is one of the best kept secrets in town and urges others to take advantage of programs and services offered to keep up with our fast-changing world. 

Learn More About Financial Wellness

At Benjamin Rose, we offer an array of services to help adults in all stage of life achieve and maintain financial wellness, from financial counseling to benefits assessments. Discover how we can help you work towards a better future today!

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