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Chen, Y., Peng, Y., Ye, M., Xu, L., Dong, X. (2018) The influence of acculturation level and family relationships on quality of life among U.S. Chinese older adults, Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27:4, 346-365, DOI: 10.1080/15313204.2018.1520165

Chen, L., Ye, M., & Kahana, E. (2019). A Self-Reliant Umbrella: Defining Successful Aging Among the Old-Old (80+) in Shanghai. Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Rodriguez, K., Bibbo, J., Verdon, S. & O’Haire, M. (2019) Mobility and medical service dogs: a qualitative analysis of expectations and experiences, Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, DOI: 10.1080/17483107.2019.1587015

Nelson S., Albert J.M., Liu Y., Selvaraj D., Curtan S., Ryan, K., Pinto, A., & Ejaz, F. (2019) The psychometric properties of a new oral health illness perception measure for adults aged 62 years and older. PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214082.

Weitzman, L. (2019). Fighting caregiver burnout with resiliency. IMPACT on Wellness, 2.