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Looman, W., Noelker, L., & Deimling, G. (1990). Using information system technology to coordinate specialized services for the elderly. Computers & Society, 20(3), 106-111.

Reamy, A. M., Kim, K., Zarit, S. H., & Whitlatch, C.J. (2011). Understanding discrepancy in perceptions of values: Individuals with mild to moderate dementia and their family caregivers. The Gerontologist, 51(4), 473-483. doi:10.1093/geront/gnr010

Ejaz, F. K., & Schur, D. (2003). Understanding consumer satisfaction in continuing care retirement communities. Newsletter of the Healthcare on Aging Network, 10(3), 3.

Whitlatch, C. J. (2014). Understanding and enhancing the relationship between people with dementia and their family caregivers. In M. Downs & B. Bowers (Eds.), Excellence in dementia care: Principles and practices, second edition (pp. 161-175). New York: Open University Press.

Bukach, A. M., Ejaz, F. K., Dawson, N., & Gitter, R. J. (2017). Turnover among community mental health workers in Ohio. Administration and Policy in Mental Health, 44(1), 115-122. doi:10.1007/s10488-015-0706-1