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Annual Caregiving Conference: Engaging Caregivers in Evidence-Based Programs

The conference explores successes and challenges in the dissemination of evidence-based programs to family and friend caregivers. Keynote speaker, Erin Long, MSW, Team Lead, Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative of the Administration for Community Living, discusses experiences with engaging caregivers in programs and services, along with marketing strategies. Presentations also highlight experiences of organizations engaging caregivers and delivering evidence-based programs, including strategies to overcome barriers that keep caregivers from enrolling in support programs, and lessons learned through their marketing efforts.


By David Bass, Rachel Cannon, Erin Long, Branka Primetica, Donna Barrett, Christine Jensen, Ginger Ragans, Lisa Weitzman | 01/24/2022

A professional caregiver talking with an older adult

Recognizing the Challenges of Multiple-Duty Caregivers

November is National Caregiving Month. We respectfully take time to honor our professional caregivers. We also recognize our equally important unpaid caregivers. Especially during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we pay tribute to these frontline workers. But what about those people who are double—or even triple—duty caregivers?

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By Lisa Weitzman | 11/15/2021

Maximizing the Environment for Individuals with Dementia

According to the AARP, most Americans would prefer to stay in their homes until the end of their life. This statistic is no different for persons with dementia. Lack of safety and accessibility in the home are issues that need to be addressed so that individuals with dementia and their respective caregivers also have the ability to age in place. Occupational therapy professionals are trained health care providers that can provide formalized home safety assessments and recommend home modifications to increase safety and independence in the home. These efforts are also beneficial for community and business owners to consider and employ to further support individuals with dementia in the community.


By Dr. Lindsey Buddelmeyer | 10/25/2021

15th Annual Katz Policy Lecture: National Family Caregiving Strategies and Policy Recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council

This year, the 15th annual Katz Policy Lecture, sponsored by AARP Ohio, will examine the RAISE Family Caregivers Act, which directs the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop and maintain a national strategy to recognize and support family caregivers. The Act identifies actions that communities, providers, the government and others are taking to help family and friend caregivers, and aims to improve information sharing, collaboration, government support and assessment of caregiver programming across these efforts. Our keynote speaker, Alan B. Stevens, PhD, will discuss family caregiving strategies and policy recommendations from the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council, and the impact these will have on our communities. Following our keynote speaker, a reactor panel of industry experts will give their responses to the presentation, and discuss how the Act impacts different types of individuals and communities, as well as state level policy.


By Alan B. Stevens, PhD | 10/05/2021

CAHPS Star Ratings are a summary of health care provider performance measures.

Home Health CAHPS FAQs: Understanding the CAHPS Rating

In 2016, CMS added the Star Rating System to the information presented on the Home Health Compare website. This visual element is designed to make it easier for consumers to compare providers, but the methodology behind the Star Ratings can be a little difficult to understand. To help clarify, we’ve developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions to provide answers to some of our most common inquiries. 

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By Alyssa Ciancibello | 08/16/2021