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Benjamin Rose President and CEO Orion Bell

BRIA Comment for the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force, Public Forum

On Thursday, July 15, 2021, Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging President and CEO Orion Bell delivered this testimony at The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) Task Force Public Forum. The Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Task Force was established by the Ohio General Assembly to examine the needs of individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or related dementias, the services available in this state for those individuals, and the ability of health care providers and facilities to meet the individuals' current and future needs. This testimony highlights three important recommendations to the Task Force to address quality of life and care concerns for individuals living with dementia and their family and friend caregivers in Ohio. 

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By Orion Bell | 07/23/2021

A SHARE family discussing division of care tasks using the SHARE app

Five Social and Emotional Benefits of an Early Dementia Diagnosis

Early detection and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and dementia is a sticky subject. According to a recent study, nearly 90 percent of Americans said that if they were exhibiting confusion and memory loss, they would want to know if they had Alzheimer’s disease. Yet, over half of the people aged 45 and older with subjective cognitive decline indicated they had not talked with a healthcare provider about their questions and concerns. 

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By Michelle Palmer | 06/15/2021

Dementia: NOT a Normal Part of Aging

This webinar addresses the common misconception that dementia is a normal part of aging, a key message of the Dementia Friends USA program. Breaking down misconceptions and stigma around dementia is one of the first steps to building dementia-inclusive communities. Topics presented include definition and types of dementia; how it impacts the brain; comparison of common changes seen in aging vs. early signs of dementia; how dementia is diagnosed, including conditions to rule out; and important next steps after diagnosis.


By Marty Williman | 04/27/2021

5 Tactics to Help Improve Your Home Health CAHPS Rating

There’s a reason that positive customer reviews are very important to home health agencies—many households seeking in-home health care services rely on published accounts to guide them in selecting the agency they feel will be the best fit for their situation. 

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By Michelle Palmer | 03/15/2021

A stressed caregiver

How Caregiver Support Can Combat Rising Stress Levels

We all know that caregiving for a loved one can be stressful, but it seems that caregivers may be feeling the strain more than ever before. Nearly two-thirds of family and friend caregivers consider their situation to be moderately-to-highly stressful, according to the recently released Caregiving in the U.S. 2020 report from National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP.  

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By Michelle Palmer | 03/15/2021