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COVID and Quarantine: The Mental Health Consequences

As the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped our world, it has also made us reevaluate how we understand mental health. This webinar will share tips on recognizing the role COVID-19 and quarantine risk factors play in the mental health disorders of our loved ones, how to become familiar with symptoms of PTSD and other mental health disorders that are linked to quarantine, and ways to help our loved ones cope.


By Tamar Cooper | 03/09/2021

A care consultant communicating with a client over headset

Time is Precious for Family and Friend Caregivers—How Care Coaching Can Help

When you consider that 60 percent of family/friend caregivers are employed outside the home, the time drain on daily life can be extraordinary, leading to stress, strain in family relationships and unmet needs for both the caregiver and the older adult needing assistance. That’s why Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging developed BRI Care Consultation™. It’s an evidence-based care-coaching program specifically designed to work with both the family or friend caregiver and the person with a chronic condition to identify ways to better manage ongoing care.

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By Michelle Palmer | 02/17/2021

Washington Update

A discussion on developments in Washington DC, including the new Administration, 117th Congress and new majority in the Senate.


By Orion Bell, Bob Blancato, Meredith Ponder Whitmire | 01/29/2021

Providing tangible supports and benefits for working caregivers is more than just “the right things to do;” it has become a business imperative.

The Need to Add Caregiver Support to Your Employee Benefits Plan: Lessons Learned from COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly exposed gaps in access to needed community-based supports for many people, and terms such as “social isolation” are now a part of the daily vernacular. Families continue to struggle with balancing full-time employment with care for older loved ones and children who are suddenly learning from home. The spotlight now shines brightly on the plight of those who are truly sandwiched in the middle. The questions are: why does it matter and what can we do as employers?

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By Lisa Weitzman | 01/15/2021

Furthering an Age-Friendly America

The 14th Annual Katz Policy Lecture from Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging was held October 29, 2020. Keynote speakers, Bill Armbruster, Senior Advisor of AARP Livable Communities, and Mary McNamara, Director of the Cleveland Department of Aging, discussed age-friendly communities, including work developing nationally and in the Cleveland-area. The webinar introduced the Age-Friendly Network, outlined the importance of age-friendly communities to support individuals aging in place, and discussed the connection between age-friendly and dementia-friendly communities. Panelists discussed ongoing work and future directions to make Northeast Ohio age-friendly.

