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A grandmother with her daughter and granddaughter

Communicating a Loved One’s Health and Dementia Behaviors to Children

Finding out that a family member has dementia and providing care for them can be full of both challenges and meaningful moments. It also impacts the whole family. When we add children into the mix, certain situations can get even more difficult to handle. Many of us may be struggling with how to communicate a loved one’s health or dementia-related behaviors to young children, such as a loved one’s grandchildren, especially regarding what to say and how to say it. However, having these important discussions can also be a positive shifting point in our relationships with them.

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By Kerstin Yoder | 09/15/2021

An older adult creating colorful artwork

Creative Arts Programming for Older Adults

Finding meaningful ways to engage with an older loved one can be a challenge, especially during the pandemic. For those looking for an activity to do together with a loved one—whether indoors or outdoors—creative arts may be a good place to start! Helping a loved one get in touch with their creative side can offer many benefits and may be easier to do than we think. 

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By Ashlee Cordell | 09/15/2021

Making the Transition to Long Term Care a Successful Choice

Have you made the decision to transition your loved one to long-term care? This can change your role as a caregiver and return your relationship with your loved one to one that is more personal and familial. How can you make this a decision that both incorporates your loved one’s preferences and supports their personal values? This webinar will discuss important topics for this transition, including the assessment process, how to communicate with long-term care facilities and care planning.


By Lauri Scharf | 09/01/2021

A caregiver comforting an agitated loved one

Understanding and Managing Dementia-Related Behavior Changes

A loved one with dementia will experience many changes as the disease progresses. Though dementia is most commonly associated with memory loss, the changes dementia causes to the brain impact more than just memory—personality and behavior can be affected as well. We may feel that a loved one with dementia isn’t “acting like themselves” or that their actions might be “uncharacteristic.” Sometimes this can manifest in small ways, like being less alert than usual, or being more talkative around strangers. Other times, they may say or do something much more difficult to handle, like having an outburst of anger in public or making a sexually inappropriate comment. 

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By Julie Hayes | 08/16/2021

A caregiver embracing an older loved one

I Can’t Be the Caregiver Anymore: How to Transition from Your Role

Becoming a caregiver to an older loved one is a big commitment, and like other commitments in life—wedding vows between spouses, the responsibilities of parenting—it can often feel binding. Many of those who become caregivers do so with the intentions of staying in this role until their loved one passes away. However, this is not always possible or realistic.

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By Julie Hayes | 08/16/2021