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An older couple meeting with a health care professional

Using Team Meetings to Develop a Dementia Care Strategy for a Loved One

An individual with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease often requires a village of caregivers to help take care of their needs during different stages of the disease. Whether they be family caregivers or providers, caregivers must always be vigilant to make sure their loved one is well cared for and protected.

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Healthy eating is a key element to maintaining overall health

Eating Well with Alzheimer's

Eating well is essential to good health, but when we are caring for an older loved one with a memory disorder, it may be challenging to be sure they have access to well-balanced and appetizing meals. It can be a struggle as well to ensure that they are eating these meals when they may be experiencing a loss of appetite or difficulty remembering and sticking to established routines as the illness progresses. As caregivers, it’s important for us to rise to these challenges and find solutions to prioritize nutrition and healthy eating in a loved one’s life as key element of maintaining their overall health.

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An older adult putting arthritis cream on their hands

Living Well with Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, about 54 million adults have been diagnosed with arthritis. The first signs of arthritis usually begin around age 40 and progress slowly. Women over 50 are more likely to suffer from arthritis symptoms than men. Even dogs, cats and other animals can suffer from the pain of arthritis. Although there is no cure for this disease, there are a variety of techniques and remedies we can use to manage a loved one’s pain and help them maintain an active lifestyle.

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An older couple discussing legal issues with their caregiver

Decision-Making With Your Older Loved One: Choosing a Power of Attorney Agent

Establishing a Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or Finances can give loved ones the ability to control who makes important health care or financial decisions for them if their physician declares they are no longer able to make these decisions for themselves. Having a Power of Attorney is important because it assures loved ones have someone who can act on their behalf and, ideally, respect their wishes.

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By Tiffany Taylor and Julie Hayes | 01/15/2020

An older adult receiving a holiday gift | Photo by Kampus Production.

Holiday Gift Giving Tips for an Older Loved One

When we're considering gifts for our older loved ones for the holidays, being creative in our choices can help us select a gift with special meaning and value to them. Many older adults have accumulated years' worth of personal possessions, so we don't want to add to the clutter. With a little imagination, we can instead come up with the perfect gift to fit their needs, whether they could use assistance around the house or new ways to stay active.

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