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Townsend, A., Noelker, L., Deimling, G., & Bass, D. (1989). Longitudinal impact of interhousehold caregiving on adult children's mental health. Psychology and Aging, 4(4), 393-401. doi:10.1037/0882-7974.4.4.393

Whitlatch, C. J., Piiparinen, R., & Feinberg, L. F. (2009). How well do family caregivers know their relatives' care values and preferences? Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice. 8(2), 223-243. doi:10.1177/1471301209103259

Hayes, J. (2019, May 15). How to Shift Your Loved One’s Care to Assisted Living with Less Stress. Retrieved from

Powers, S. M. & Whitlatch, C. J. (2016 ). Measuring cultural justifications for caregiving in African American and White caregivers. Dementia (London, England), 15(4), 629-645. doi:10.1177/1471301214532112

Weitzman, L. (2019, January 9). Technology Helps Caregivers, But It's No Substitute for Human Interaction. Retrieved from