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Dementia: NOT a Normal Part of Aging

This webinar addresses the common misconception that dementia is a normal part of aging, a key message of the Dementia Friends USA program. Breaking down misconceptions and stigma around dementia is one of the first steps to building dementia-inclusive communities. Topics presented include definition and types of dementia; how it impacts the brain; comparison of common changes seen in aging vs. early signs of dementia; how dementia is diagnosed, including conditions to rule out; and important next steps after diagnosis.


By Marty Williman | 04/27/2021

A caregiver and older adult enjoying a conversation

Tips for Better Communication with a Loved One with Dementia

As caregivers, we may find ourselves struggling to communicate with a loved one in the way we used to. It may be difficult to understand what a loved one is trying to say, and in the busyness of everyday life, we may find ourselves growing frustrated and impatient. However, these kinds of feelings may in turn affect a loved one, leading to a communication breakdown and potential relationship strain. To avoid this, it’s important to foster good listening skills, patience and respect.

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By Julie Hayes | 04/15/2021

Communicating with Your Loved One: Strategies for Care Partners Impacted by Dementia

As an individual goes through their journey with dementia, there are changes that can impact their comprehension and expression. These changes in communication can often cause frustration among care partners. This webinar will share information about the changes some individuals with dementia may experience in communication, and will offer strategies and tips for families to communicate more effectively with a loved one with dementia.


By Jennifer Brush | 04/13/2021

A group of older adults working on a block puzzle together

Navigating the Different Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease as a Caregiver

Alzheimer's Disease develops over time, causing changes in the brain that affect a person's memory, thinking and behavior. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's Disease, and 16 million Americans serve as unpaid caregivers to loved ones with Alzheimer’s Disease or related dementias. With every change to a loved one’s health as the disease progresses over time, these 16 million caregivers are along for the journey right there with their loved one.

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By Julie Hayes | 03/15/2021

An older couple discussing concerns with a counselor

Understanding Different Types of Dementia

When most people hear the word “dementia,” one of the first things that comes to mind is “Alzheimer’s.” However, Alzheimer’s is just one cause of dementia, which is the umbrella term for decline in memory, thinking and reasoning skills that significantly impacts daily life. If a loved one is experiencing memory issues, Alzheimer’s could be a potential diagnosis, but there are four other common types of dementia that should also be considered: Lewy body, frontotemporal, vascular and mixed.

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By Julie Hayes | 02/15/2021