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The oven and stove can prove to be the greatest threat to a loved one with dementia.

Keeping the Kitchen Safe for a Loved One with Late Stage Dementia

The kitchen is the heart of most families' homes. If we have a loved one living with dementia at home, especially in the later stages, we will want to do everything we can to help keep their kitchen as safe as it can be.

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An older couple meeting with a health care professional

Using Team Meetings to Develop a Dementia Care Strategy for a Loved One

An individual with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease often requires a village of caregivers to help take care of their needs during different stages of the disease. Whether they be family caregivers or providers, caregivers must always be vigilant to make sure their loved one is well cared for and protected.

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Healthy eating is a key element to maintaining overall health

Eating Well with Alzheimer's

Eating well is essential to good health, but when we are caring for an older loved one with a memory disorder, it may be challenging to be sure they have access to well-balanced and appetizing meals. It can be a struggle as well to ensure that they are eating these meals when they may be experiencing a loss of appetite or difficulty remembering and sticking to established routines as the illness progresses. As caregivers, it’s important for us to rise to these challenges and find solutions to prioritize nutrition and healthy eating in a loved one’s life as key element of maintaining their overall health.

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An older adult using a bathroom grab bar

There's No Place Like Home: Creating Safe Environments for People With Late Stage Dementia

For someone with Alzheimer’s or another memory disorder, home may not always be the safest or most convenient place to live. As caregivers, we can help a loved one make modifications so they can continue to live safely in familiar surroundings.

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By Julie Hayes | 04/13/2023

Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease and What Comes After

As your loved one ages, you may grow concerned about the possibility of them developing Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia. However, you may not know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of the disease, how best to discuss your concerns with your loved one, or how to care for them if a diagnosis is made. If you are looking to take some initial steps to assess your loved one’s condition, consider these common questions regarding Alzheimer’s disease to help you better understand the disease and its symptoms and what steps you can take to prepare yourself and your loved one for a diagnosis.

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By Katherine Judge, PhD | 06/12/2019