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Bass, D. M., Looman, W. J., & Ehrlich, P. (1992). Predicting the volume of health and social services: Integrating cognitive impairment into the modified Andersen Framework. The Gerontologist, 32(1) 33-43.

Whitlatch, C. J. (2013). Person-centered care in the early stages of dementia: Honoring individuals and their choices. Generations - Journal of the American Society on Aging, 37(3), 30-36.

Looman, W. J., Noelker, L. S., Schur, D., Whitlatch, C. J., Ejaz, F. K. (1997). Nursing assistants caring for dementia residents in nursing homes: The family's perspective on the high quality of care. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias, 12(5), 221-226. doi:10.1177/153331759701200507

Bradford, A., Upchurch, C., Bass, D., Judge, K., Snow, A. L., Wilson, N., & Kunik, M. E. (2011). Knowledge of documented dementia diagnosis and treatment in veterans and their caregivers. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias, 26(2), 127-133. doi:10.1177/1533317510394648

Shub, D., Bass, D. M., Morgan, R. O., Judge, K. S., Snow, A. L., Wilson, N. L., Walder, A., Murry, B., & Kunik, M. E. (2011). Irritability and social isolation in dementia patients with and without depression. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 24(4), 229-234. doi:10.1177/0891988711427039