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An older adult and young teen on a walk together

Four Benefits of Intergenerational Programming

With the widespread independent lifestyle of many American families, older loved ones are becoming increasingly separated from their families and other support systems. The COVID-19 pandemic has only increased these challenges. An estimated 27 percent of older adults age 60 years and older live alone in the U.S. and would benefit greatly from social interaction. According to Generations United, a national organization that focuses on intergenerational collaboration, two in three Americans would like to spend more time with others outside of their age group.

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By Ashlee Cordell | 12/15/2021

An older adult using cell phone technology

Is There an App for That?: Benefits and Challenges of Technology in Caregiving

In a time when technology has touched nearly every aspect of day-to-day life, it often feels as if the solution to any problem is, “There’s an app for that.” When it comes to caring for the older adults in our lives, we are also increasingly directed to technology for solutions.

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By Lisa Weitzman | 12/15/2021

One in 10 Americans age 60 and older are the victims of elder abuse

Breaking Down the Seven Types of Elder Abuse

Caregivers play an important role in protecting not just a loved one’s health, but their overall safety and wellness as well. According to the National Council on Aging, one in 10 Americans age 60 and older are the victims of elder abuse, but only around one in every 24 cases of abuse is reported. In cases when a loved one is unable or even unwilling to report, caregivers may be the person in the best position to get help. However, it can be hard to identify the problem if we are unfamiliar with the types of actions that qualify as abuse.

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By Julie Hayes | 12/15/2021

An older adult working together with a researcher

Participating in Dementia Clinical Trials and Research Studies as a Caregiver

As a dementia caregiver, you’ve most likely seen references to research studies, surveys and clinical trials when researching your loved one’s condition. Whether it’s the World Health Organization’s statistic that 55 million people around the world have dementia or the suggestion that exercise and a healthy diet can lower the risk of developing dementia, most of what we know about the disease comes from rigorous research.

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By Julie Hayes | 11/15/2021

Family caregivers are a part of the backbone of care in the United States.

What the RAISE Family Caregivers Act Means for Caregivers

Too often while providing care to our loved ones, we may find ourselves lacking things like services, respite options, financial security, workplace security and education to address the challenges we face every day. To try to address this shortcoming, the Recognize, Assist, Include, Support, & Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act was signed into law in January of 2018 to come up with a national family caregiving plan.

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By Sarah Nicolay | 11/15/2021