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Noelker, L. S. (2001). The backbone of the long-term-care workforce. Generations, 25(1), 85-91.

Menne, H. L. & Noelker, L. S. (2006). Long-term care workforce. In R. Schulz, L. S. Noelker, K. Rockwood, & R. L. Sprott (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Aging, fourth edition (pp. 704-707). New York, NY: Springer.

Deimling, G. T., & Smerglia, V. L., (1992). Involvement of elders in care-related decision: A black/white comparison. Family Relations, 41(1), 86-90.

Noelker, L. S., Ejaz, F. K., Menne, H. L., & Bagaka's, J. G. (2009). Factors affecting frontline workers' satisfaction with supervision. Journal of Aging and Health, 21(1), 85-101. doi:10.1177/0898264308328641

Gerace, C. S., & Noelker, L. S. (1990). Clinical social work practice with black elderly and their family caregivers. In Z. Harel, E. A. McKinney, & M. Williams (Eds.), Black aged: Understanding diversity and service needs (pp. 236-258). London: Sage Publications.